Euroseeds 2021 Congress: first major event of the seed sector since the end of 2019

With more than 850 participants from over 40 countries around the world, this year’s annual meeting in Prague, Czech Republic was the first major seed sector event since the end of 2019 and once more confirmed the importance of the Euroseeds event for the European and international seed sector.

The hybrid format of the event with top-notch technologies gave those participants and speakers who couldn’t travel to Prague for various reasons a possibility to join the Congress virtually. And those who managed to join physically expressed a sincere delight to be able to see their colleagues, partners and friends in person again.

During the meetings of the specific crop sections, participants got the latest updates and detailed information on many horizontal and crop-specific issues, important for seed companies in Europe and worldwide such as novel genomic techniques, organics, protein plan, seed treatment, developments in seed certification, plant health and more.

During the open part of the Assembly General, participants had a chance to assist to an inspiring and insightful high-level debate on the seed marketing legislation with Dorothée André, Head of Plant Health Unit, DG Santé, EU Commission as the keynote speaker. The need for a comprehensive impact assessment has been once again highlighted, as well as the importance of clear and continuous communication on what, why and how we want to change.

Moreover, this year Euroseeds elected a new Board for the term of 2021-2024 with President: Michael Gohn, Saatgut Austria and Vice President: Soren Halbye, DLF.

Large trade and exhibition facilities provided ample space and a buzzing atmosphere for professional exchange and interaction of participants, and exposure for companies showcasing the latest developments in technical equipment, mechanical components, processing technologies and plant breeding software.

You can see more material from there in our gallery.